The gospel that I am picking to write about is the gospel of John. Most of my thought is influenced by the gospel of John itself, but I am helped along by commentaries and study bibles as well I only wish I could say my mind was brilliant enough to so completely digest the word of God without any help. Maybe the brilliance is in knowing my limitations.
To me, I think in the gospel of John he is trying to show that Jesus is both savior but also personal. That to Jesus, we are more than just a task to complete for his Father. I do love the gospel of John because it is so relational between God the creator and us his creation. I don't think that this is more brought forward than John 17 in which Jesus prays for all believers. In that pray (v) 24 Jesus says something that astounds me, "Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world". You know with modern technology we humans still can not see to the ends that God has created, and yet you see in the prayer from Jesus just how much he loves you and I, amazing the ones that caused a fractured world is worth his complete services to us.
I don't think that I will ever understand completely this Jesus and how he loves us, but looking at the gospel of John one begins to understand more clearly. Jesus is for sure no ordinary man, for sure he is the God-Man the Word who became flesh (1:14). The gospel of John will also show that believers can have an abundant life within the circumstances of a fractured world (10:10). If we will only believe in him we can have a more complete and eternal existence with Jesus (20:31).
We are on a journey in these classes to learn. I feel like you about my ability to digest all God's word has to give us.