For my assignment I chose the book of Mark to discuss how he uniquely portrays Jesus and how this Gospel adds to my understanding and appreciation of who Jesus truly is.
First off, Mark gives us a fast paced, but vivid picture of the Acts of Jesus. The gospel of Mark is very precise. He was not one of the 12 disciples, but he accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey. It is said in scriptural reference that Mark was probably the first Gospel written. The Apostle Mark records more miracles that Jesus performed than does any other book of the Bible. Jesus, the Son of God demonstrates his power over Satan, demons, sin and death. It appears Mark focused on the many miracles Jesus performed. This gospel is a great and dramatic composition because it allows this pattern of secrecy and misunderstanding to bring together key moments in the story of Jesus.
Some of the things that make Mark interesting or so unique is there is no reports concerning Jesus birth, his childhood, or his activities prior to the time when He was baptized by John the Baptist. The gospel stresses the deeds, strength and determination of Jesus in overcoming evil forces and defying the power of the Roman empire. The Gospel of Mark presents many important facts and lessons. It clearly establishes that Jesus Christ is the Messiah that was prophesied throughout the Old Testament. It also proved Jesus was the Son of God, who He claimed to be by living a sinless and perfect life. Jesus gives us perfect instructions for how God desires us to live, and respond through challenging circumstances and make choices regarding our future for eternity. A few examples of scriptures that Mark documented are:
Mark 2:5, "When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, son, your sins are forgiven." Mark shows us that Jesus knows when we have faith.
Mark 5:36, "Ignoring what they said, Jesus told the synagogue ruler, don't be afraid, just believe." Jesus gives instruction in believing in the power of God.
Mark 8:35, "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the Gospel will save it." Instruction on following Christ.
Mark 9:35, "Sitting down, Jesus called the twelve and said, if anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all." Mark wants us to understand God's will for us.
The one specific passage that brings it all together for me is Mark 10:45. Mark's gospel reminds us that the Christian life consist of actions, not just words. Mark 10:45 says, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,and give His life as a ransom for many." While Jesus's teachings are very important, Mark points to his actions. In our culture where Christians words are plentiful and can lose their power, a consistent Christian lifestyle of faith, love and following Jesus Christ always speaks loudly.
I'm reminded of Jesus's teaching of the Beatitudes (Matthew 5 and Luke 6) where he teaches us that the poor, meek, merciful, seekers of righteousness and persecuted are the blessed ones. Always, His teachings of God's perfect will are counter-intuitive. Great job, brother!
I really appreciated the ending of your assignment. The ending reminds me that daily I should be serving and living a life style that fits my talk. Thank you for this reminder we all need daily.
You are very correct with your ending statement. Our actions speak much louder then our words in todays world. You did a wonderful job highlighting many great points about the book of Mark.
Paula Sommerfeldt
Steve, thank you for your picture of the gospel of Mark. You ending impressed me the most. I agree. We need to give hands and feet to our words and live out our faith, as Christ by his example taught us.
Deb Copeland